Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Athletic Banquet

he Chandlers Bears had their athletic/academic reception tonight.
All team members got a pin and a copy of the audio broadcast that was done by WRUS AM 610.
The 8th graders got their 8th grade award
The following individual awards were given out;
Offense Chase Deason
Defense Michael Sydnor
Rebounds Matthew Walker
110% ... Ian Woodall
Coaches Tevor Brown
Captain D J Lee
GPA Ian Woodall

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Go Bears

Athletic Banquet

Athletic banquet will be Tuesday 3/2/2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Message from Logan County High School Coaches to the Middle School players

Logan County Middle School Spring/Summer Teams February 2010

Grade School Players and Parents,

Congratulations on your team’s season and a great county tournament and thank you for your interest in the Logan County Middle School spring/summer basketball teams.
There are two very important reasons for us putting together these teams. First and foremost is the development of the young basketball players in Logan County. Your children are the future of Cougar and Lady Cougar basketball and we look forward to working with them and helping develop their skills. Secondly, we hope that by getting different players from all 5 grade schools in Logan County and allowing them to play together they will become familiar with each other, the coaches and our system. This will give them a distinct advantage when they arrive at Logan County High School, an advantage that our current players did not have.
We are planning on putting together two teams consisting of 12 players per team. There will be a team consisting of next fall’s 5th and 6th graders (current 4th and 5th) and a team consisting of next fall’s 7th and 8th graders (current 6th and 7th). Players for each team will be selected following team tryouts conducted at Logan County High School gym. ALL players that participated in basketball this past season are invited to the tryouts, however, not all players will make the teams due to numbers. Tryouts for the 5th/6th grade team will be Thursday, February 25th at 3:30 p.m. and tryouts for the 7th/8th grade team will be Friday, February 26th at 3:30 p.m. We will begin scheduling games against regional teams, trying to schedule as many as possible concluding before spring break. If you have a child that is currently in the 8th grade and will be a freshmen at Logan County High School next fall we will be “bringing up” those players to participate in open gym playing with our current freshmen and junior varsity players. We will have more information on the open gym playing once the Logan County Cougar basketball season has come to a close, plus there will be other summer playing opportunities for next year’s freshmen that we will inform you about later in the spring.
The grade school teams will be coached by Logan County assistant coaches Dan Duncan and Mike Draper and will receive help from some of the grade school coaches as well. If any parents wish to help with the teams with assistant coaching, travel, practices, etc please contact Coach Mike Draper (contact information on next page). Right now we are currently working on scheduling games and practices. Once the decision on team members has been decided upon our coaches will inform both players and parents of the first practice and will soon after give out a team schedule.
At the bottom of the next page is a permission form and contact information that our coaches need to have in order for your child to tryout for these teams. Also, a current physical form must be presented with the permission form. A copy of the physical that was given to your grade school coach will be sufficient.

We look forward to seeing you at tryouts.

Go Cougars!
Coach Harold Tackett
For updates on all Cougar basketball happenings you can visit our team website:

Harold Tackett
Head Coach
Logan County High School
Email: harold.tackett@logan.kyschools.us

Lonnie Mason
Assistant Coach
Logan County High School

Dan Duncan
Assistant Coach/Freshmen Coach
Logan County High School
Email: dan.duncan@logan.kyschools.us

Mike Draper
Assistant Coach/JV Coach
Logan County High School
Email: jmdraper84@hotmail.com

Permission Form:

I ________________________ give my child ______________________ permission to participate in the Logan County spring/summer basketball teams and have presented the coaches with an up-to-date physical.

Contact Information:

Player’s Name: ____________________________
Parent and/or Guardians Name: ______________________________
Street Address: ___________________________________
City: ____________________________
Phone Number: ______________________
Email: ____________________________

Sunday, February 14, 2010


To the players/team/parents who have helped make this a special season.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Chandlers Bears 2009-2010 Logan Co Middle School Champs

This is photo o the trophy the boys won after their hard fought 50-38 victory over
Olmstead. Total team effort. Thanks guys

Saturday, February 6, 2010


monday, tuesday and wednesday 3:00-4:30

Play thursday approx 7:30 @ LCHS